Friday, November 26, 2010

Nerv(ous) centre for future operations - Rupesh, Friday AM

Three of us are sitting in the cavernous hall of the pub in Nagyvazsony. We wanted to open up a little nerve centre here in the village so that the three film crews who are out and about this morning could come and drop in when they are done rather than go back to to the forest school. The bar is the only public space open in the village in the winter, so we are forced to set up next to the rather ropey wooden 'dancing' platform, shrouded by remains of last night's smoke.

In our hearts are the remains of the week. In our minds are thoughts about what we can do to help the group leave well. There will be plenty of fond farewells, but what can we do to keep the spirit of learning and adventure, which has emerged here during the week, glowing and growing into our futures?

1 comment:

  1. Mi lett volna velünk enélkül a tágas meleg hely nélkül? A nagyvázsonyi kocsma kiváló találkozóhelynek bizonyult, volt térerő, kávé, és legfőképpen: jó meleg....
